Barcelona is known as Gaudi’s city and as you walk around some of its more popular neighborhoods you can definitely see why. Gaudi’s colors and style can be seen and felt even in places you wouldn’t expect. In this post we’ll go over all the Gaudi sites in Barcelona that you can’t miss from the most popular ones to even barely known ones.

I lived in Barcelona from 2019 to 2022 and got to explore so much of this city during my time. During that time I completely two master’s degrees and started to make a life there. I’m happy to share all the things I know about this city with you. Enjoy this guide!

Casa Vicens

Casa Vicens is Gaudi’s first work of art but not as known as some of his others. What keeps it lesser known is that it’s a bit farther from the popular neighborhoods. This Gaudi site is found in Barcelona’s Gracia neighborhood. I lived in Gracia for a couple years and would pass it regularly. 

Before Barcelona became the city we all know today, it was actually much smaller. Barcelona consisted of the Gotico, el Born, and Raval neighborhoods. Gracia was its own city. Now it’s all combined together and so Casa Vicens is right in the middle of the city. 

Casa Vicens was the summer home to a wealthy family and when it was built had a great view of Barcelona from a distance. Now lots of other buildings cover its once great view. The family asked Gaudi to design this house for them specifically.

As you walk around the property you can sense that this Gaudi site is unlike his others. It’s colorful with lots of patterns, but it doesn’t have the same vibrancy that some of his other sites do. 

Sagrada Familia

The most famous Gaudi work by far is Sagrada Familia. It’s the most advertised and known spot. At this point we also keep wondering when it will be fully completed as it has been pushed back a few times. Even with the cranes it’s still visited daily by thousands and with good reason.

The architecture is beautiful and I love that one side gives more of a gothic feel while the other side gives more of a more contemporary one. It is a Gaudi site that needs to be visited, even if just from the outside. If you do decide to go inside, I suggest going on a sunny day. Buy your ticket here.

La Pedrera / Casa Mila

Located on one of Barcelona’s main avenues, Gran de Gracia, is La Pedrera also known as Casa Mila or La Pedrera. I found this one rather peculiar because it doesn’t have the same colors or vibe that I’ve come to know and love about the Gaudi sites in Barcelona. That being said that this is only during the day because La Pedrera at night does have all of the colors and vibes that you would expect from Gaudi.

Casa Batllo

Casa Batllo is definitely one of the most popular Gaudi sites in Barcelona. Due to this expect lots of crowds and lines. Definitely buy your ticket in advance so you don’t miss a chance to visit. At night you can see it lit up which I highly recommend doing and also take a special tour you won’t want to miss!

If you find yourself in Barcelona during Sant Jordi which is April 23rd, make sure you walk by because you’ll see its balconies covered with roses. This holiday is like the Catalan equivalent of Valentines’ Day so you’ll see lots of book stands and roses everywhere as well as being sold. Buy your loved one a book or a rose to celebrate the holiday.

Palau Guell

Located in el Raval right near the Ramblas, is the Palau Guell. I had walked by so many times without even realizing it was there because from the outside it looks like a pretty normal building. Seeing as I tend to walk looking up and all around, I noticed that at the top of a building there were colorful tops. Each was a different color and design. I made it a mission to visit and I’m so glad I did!

The entrance feels very dramatic and dark due to the lighting, but the real gem is the rooftop. From here you get an amazing view of the older neighborhoods of Barcelona and the beautiful and colorful tops. Don’t miss it during your trip to Barcelona.

Parc Guell

Famous and popular for many reasons, Parc Guell is a Gaudi site you can not miss. Although it is very touristy, the park and sights will have you forgetting you’re surrounded by flocks of other visitors. The park itself is free to visit, but there is an entrance fee to admire Gaudi’s works of art including the lizard and benches that line the lookout point.

Hack for Barcelona residents

Bring your residency card with you for free entry into Parc Guell. Everyone used to be able to enter for free before opening time, but they’ve changed that now that certain parts are closed off. With your residency card you can enter for free whenever. I’d suggest going early to avoid crowds.

Torre Bellesguard

This one took some time to find because it’s not on most guides or itineraries and so I didn’t actually know it existed. That is what makes Torre Bellesguard a great Gaudi site in Barcelona to visit. Due to its lack of popularity, it isn’t really busy so it makes for a perfect visit! 

The Torre Bellesguard is also known as Casa Figueres, a modernist manor house, built in the early 1900s. This house is designed in such a unique way which is visible by the dragon shaped rooftop.

Outside of Barcelona

Gaudi designed places outside of Barcelona meaning you’ll have places to look forward to while traveling around Spain. Make sure to take note of these for your future trips! Once I have a chance to visit them, I’ll share my experience with you.

  • Nau Gaudi (Mataro)
  • Palace of Gaudí Astorga (Episcopal Palace of Astorga)
  • El Capricho de Gaudí (Comillas)
  • Casa Botines (Leon)
  • Jardins Artigas (La Pobla de Lillet)
  • Catedral-Basílica de Santa María de Mallorca (Mallorca)

Useful tip! If you’re a student whether in Barcelona or somewhere else, always mention it! Lots of places will have discounts for students. Sometimes it may be age based, but others a student card will suffice.

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I hope you enjoy these Gaudi sites in Barcelona and plan to visit them during your trip here.

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Latina Traveler

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